ChiefSymbols® Library CC02 contains 45 symbols for the Bathroom.
Included in the categories of Bathtubs, Hardware, Lighting, Medicine Cabinets, and Sinks are symbols for Bathtubs with Shower Enclosures - with or without Showerheads, Sliding Glass Doors, Mixers, and Tub Spouts; standalone plumbing fixtures - such as Tub Spout, Single Control Mixer Valve, Dual Control Mixer/Volume Valve, complete Handshower-on-rail, and wall-mount controls on 8" centers; Towel Bars; Grab Bars, Toilet Paper Holders and Soap Holders; Medicine Cabinets with Beveled Mirror Doors; Wall-mount make-up/shaving mirror; 4 wall-mount lighting fixtures; Kohler "Pillow Talk"® lavatory, in countertop and pedestal versions; and more...
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